Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Alienation from society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Alienation from society - Essay Example iestleys An Inspector Calls and Mark Haddons The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nigh-Time, both texts reveal alienation within some of the characters; however Priestleys play only reveals the onset of alienation of the characters because of Mr. and Mrs. Birling conforming to the social norm of the era, while Haddons Christopher Boone faces alienation because he sees the world differently than most people. Priestley portrays both Mr. and Mrs. Birling with typical characteristics of the upper class people in the early twentieth-century of English society which leads to the onset of alienation. Mr. and Mrs. Birling actions contradict with the term alienation from the Britannica Online Encyclopedia because they conform to the social norms of that time. Mr. Birling believes that ones destiny is under ones own control. Mr. Birling also believes that â€Å"a man has to make his own way---has to look after himself...and so long as he does that he wont come to much harm† (299). This suggests that Mr. Birling is a man who believes that everyone only needs to look after themselves and ignore what is going in society, which was a common belief of the upper class during that time. Mr. Birling fail to realize that he is living in a society where everyone’s actions towards each other can have a negative influence towards other people, so he is unconsciously closing himself from the re st of society. He believes that everyone should look after himself, thus the same can be said for the way Mr. Birling views the lower class people because he does not seem to care at all about the hardships of the laborers due to his belief that everything is in place and nothing needs to be done. Such mentality was common for the upper class people at the time who believed in the status quo. To Mr. Birling the labor strike is nothing more than â€Å"silly talk† from the workers: â€Å"Last month, just because the miners came out on strike, theres a lot of wild talk about possible labor trouble in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Evidence-Based Practice Paper Essay Example for Free

Evidence-Based Practice Paper Essay The evidence-based practice guideline that I chose is titled, â€Å"Myocardial Infarction,† written by the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. The intended users for this guideline are health care providers and physicians. The target population is individuals with suspected or known myocardial infarction. The objective of this guideline is to â€Å"collect, summarize, and update the core clinical knowledge essential in general practice† and â€Å"describe the scientific evidence underlying the given recommendations.† (Finnish Medical Society Duodecim, 2008) Clarity and Researchability of the Study’s Purpose and Question According to the researchers, the purpose of the study is â€Å"to test how teaching format (factual versus storytelling) and restructuring the social norm of caring for others to caring for self affects how women learn to identify and respond to myocardial infarction (MI) symptoms. † (McDonald, Goncalves, Almario, Krajewski, Cervera, Kaeser, et al., 2006, p.216) I feel that the purpose of the study is significant to nursing because nurses need to educate patients about what symptoms to observe for and report to their primary care providers. Also, if this study could determine which teaching format would better assist patients in acknowledging significant symptoms of an MI needed to contact EMS, then nurses could possibly be better able to educate patients about those symptoms. I believe that the study title of â€Å"Assisting Women to Learn Myocardial Infarction Symptoms,† is more general than the three research questions listed in the study: (a) â€Å"Are women who are taught how to recognize and respond to symptoms of an MI using a storytelling format more likely to be able to identify symptoms and plan to get help than women who are taught the same information using a factual format?†, (b) â€Å"Does teaching women to cognitively restructure the ‘caring for others’ social norm to ‘caring for self’ make them more likely to identify symptoms of an MI and plan to call EMS than women who are not taught this form of cognitive restructuring?†, and (c) â€Å"Are women who have been taught MI symptoms and response using the storytelling format and who were taught cognitive restructuring of the ‘caring for others’ to ‘caring for self’ social norms more likely to identify symptoms of an MI and plan to call EMS than women who were provided factual information about MI symptoms and response, and who were not offered cognitive restructuring?† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.217-218) The two independent variables identified in the study are â€Å"teaching format (factual vs. storytelling) and social norms (caring for others first vs. caring for self)† and the dependent variable is â€Å"the posttest knowledge of MI symptoms.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.220) The American Heart Association (cited in McDonald, et al., 2006, p.216) states that â€Å"heart disease remains the leading cause of death for women and kills over 248,000 women each year in the United States.† Mosca, Ferris, Fabunmi, Robinson (cited in McDonald, et al., 2006, p.216) states that â€Å"the majority of women remain unaware that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women, despite a significant increase in awareness since 2000.† While the assumptions of the researchers are not clearly stated, I would assume that the researchers believe that women need to be further educated about the symptoms of MI in order â€Å"to avoid disabling or life-ending consequences from MI.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.216) Adequacy and Relevance of the Literature Review I feel that the literature review is relevant to the problem because they discuss the differences in MI symptoms among genders and which symptoms were commonly reported by women. DeVon and Zerwic (cited in McDonald, et al., 2006, p.216-217) â€Å"reviewed studies on gender differences in MI symptoms and concluded that symptoms were similar across gender; however, in seven studies back pain, dyspnea, and nausea and vomiting occurred more frequently in women.† According to McSweeney, O’Sullivan, Cody, Crane (cited in McDonald, et al., 2006, p.217) â€Å"women who have experienced an MI often describe additional symptoms besides chest pain, such as weakness, shortness of breath, unusual fatigue, diaphoresis, nausea, feeling flushed or dizzy, or a heavy feeling in the arms.† The literature review also discusses the possible reasons for why women delay in contacting EMS when symptoms of MI do occur. Finnegan et al (cited in McDonald, et al., 2006, p.217) states that â€Å"women might delay responding to their own MI symptoms to meet their caregiver responsibilities.† The literature review is logically organized, because it clearly talks about the differences among identification of MI symptoms among genders, along with the possible reasons for the delay among women in reporting their symptoms in order to receive immediate attention. The discussion about women not wanting to take care of themselves in order to continue assuming the responsibility of caring for their families, supports the research question of â€Å"cognitively restructuring the ‘caring for others’ social norm to ‘caring for self’.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.217) I feel that the 23 references used were appropriate for this study. The dates of the references range from 1989 to 2005, with this study being published in the May/June 2006 issue of Public Health Nursing. Majority of the references (20/23) had to deal with heart disease, while the remaining three discussed (a) theory of planned behavior, (b) story telling as a tool, and (c) applied multivariate statistics. Both, primary and secondary sources were used as references. Agreement between Purpose, Design, and Methods The study design described is â€Å"a pretest posttest full factorial experimental design with educational format (storytelling vs. factual) by social norms (restructuring the social norm of â€Å"caring for others† vs. no restructuring).† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.218) According to LoBiondo-Wood Haber (2010) â€Å"a true experimental design has three identifying properties: (a) randomization, (b) control, and (c) manipulation† (p.179). In the study, the researchers randomly assigned the participants to one of four groups, each group receiving a different type of informational MI symptom pamphlet. LoBiondo-Wood Haber also state that â€Å"experimental designs are the most powerful for testing cause-and-effect relationships due to the control, manipulation, and randomization components† (p.185), which I think makes the design appropriate for answering the research questions in this study. Data was collected by having participants respond in writing first to a demographic form, and then to a Heart Attack Survey, both before and after, reading an informational pamphlet about MI symptoms. â€Å"The Heart Attack Survey consisted of two questions. The first question was open ended, ‘list all of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack that you are aware of.’ The second question used a 0-10 scale, with the corresponding anchors definitely would not call and definitely would call, to measure the behavioral intention of calling 911 within 30 min if heart attack symptoms occur.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.219) I feel that their data collection procedure is logical and practical because paper-and-pencil instruments â€Å"are most useful for collecting data on variables that cannot be directly observed or measured by physiological instruments.† (LoBiondo-Wood Haber, 2010, p.274) The researchers did not clearly discuss their instruments in terms of content validity and reliability. LoBiondo-Wood Haber (2010) define validity as â€Å"the extent to which an instrument measures the attributes of a concept accurately† and reliability as â€Å"the ability of an instrument to measure the attributes of a concept or construct consistency† (p.286). I think that both of their instruments were valid since the demographic form only measured demographic info, and the Heart Attack Survey only measured the number of MI symptoms the participants knew along their intent to call 911. However, I do not think the Heart Attack Survey was very reliable, since the researchers did mention that many of the women did not answer the same MI symptoms on the posttest that they had mentioned on the pretest. If the instrument was reliable, I would believe that the posttest would have the same MI symptoms as listed on the pretest, along with any new symptoms the women learned from reading the informational pamphlets. Suitability of the Sampling Procedure and the Sample I feel that the researchers used a convenience sample consisting of 113 adult women. The women were recruited by graduate nursing student data collectors in shopping malls, restaurants, and other public areas. â€Å"Inclusion criteria included of (1) female, and (2) age 25 years or older, and (3) able to speak, read, and understand English or Spanish. Exclusion criteria included (1) previous MI, (2) physician or nurse, or (3) current or past EMS worker.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.218) Descriptive characteristics of the sample include: (a) a mean age of around 42 years, (b) majority of participants having a high school education, with about an additional 36% having higher education, (c) most women were white, with next largest racial group consisting of black Americans, (d) nearly more than half being of non-Hispanic ethnicity, (e) few women having personal history of heart disease, while around half reported family history of heart disease, and (f) half reporting having careg iver responsibilities. I think the sample size was adequate for the study. The researchers state that â€Å"a small effect size for the intervention effect was anticipated based on the REACT findings† and â€Å"the sample size needed for a four-group multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with a power of 0.80, a significance level of .05, two dependent variables, and a small anticipated effect size was n=115.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.218) There were an additional seven participants, but were not included in the final sample because they provided incomplete data, by not completing both the pretest and the posttest. The researchers state that â€Å"there were no significant differences between women completing the study and women not completing the study for age, ethnicity, race, marital status, education, having health insurance, a personal history of heart disease, a family history of heart disease, or responsibility for caring for others.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.220) The researchers state that â€Å"the study was approved for human subjects’ protection by the university internal review board.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.219) The researchers also state in their study that â€Å"each participant was provided verbal informed consent and a copy of the study information sheet.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.219) Correctness of Analytic Procedures The statistical procedures named in the study are: (a) analysis of variance (ANOVA), (b) χ2 (chi-square), (c) Pearson’s r correlation, (d) t test, and (e) analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). According to LoBiondo-Wood Haber (2010) â€Å"analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is a statistic that measures differences among group means and uses a statistical technique to equate the groups under study in relation to an important variable† (p.574). In the study, McDonald, et al., (2006) tested the three research questions through ANCOVA: The two independent variables—teaching format (factual vs. storytelling) and social norms (caring for others first vs. caring for self)—were entered as the grouping variable. The pretest knowledge of MI symptoms served as the covariate, and the posttest knowledge of MI symptoms was entered as the dependent variable. (p.220) Since the study wanted to know the type of MI symptoms that the women could identify, the level of measurement for this study would be nominal. According to LoBiondo-Wood Haber (2010) â€Å"when data are at the nominal level and the researcher wants to determine whether groups are different, the researcher uses the chi-square (χ2)† (p.326). The MI symptoms would be considered categorical variables because they could have â€Å"more than two true values†; also, since only one point was given to each symptom identified, â€Å"there was no order† to the variables. (LoBiondo-Wood Haber, 2010, p.312) The researchers listed several p values in their study: (a) â€Å"the factual information with the social norms restructured group had more White participants (26.6%) and less non-White participants (0.9%) than the other conditions, χ2(3) = 7.94, p .05†, (b) â€Å"women responding to the English instruments reported significantly more symptoms (M = 6.4; SD = 2.73) than women (n=29) responding to the Spanish instruments (M = 4.7; SD = 3.26), t (111) = 2.75, p .007†, and (c) â€Å"for the pretest the number of MI symptoms and the 911 response score were unrelated, r (113) = 0.16, p .09, and slightly related, r (113) = 0.20, p .04, on the posttest.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.220) According to LoBiondo-Wood Haber (2010) â€Å"the minimum level of significance acceptable for nursing research is 0.05† (p.322). Clarity of Findings The findings described under the results section state that â€Å"the women identified significantly more MI symptoms after reading the MI pamphlet.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.220) â€Å"Table 1contains frequencies for the entire sample of the most frequently identified MI symptoms on the pretest and posttest.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.220) Table 1 highlights the finding that a majority of the MI symptoms were identified more frequently on the posttest when compared to the pretest. â€Å"Table 2 contains group frequencies for identified MI symptoms, with pretest frequencies for each of the four groups preceding the posttest frequencies,† which highlights the finding that â€Å"no significant group differences emerged for storytelling and social norms.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.220) While the results did show that â€Å"women generally learned three more MI symptoms to add to their previous knowledge of the commonly identified MI symptoms, chest pain, shortness of breath, and arm pain,† the results also discuss that â€Å"the storytelling versus factual format for teaching women about MI symptoms did not affect how women learned MI symptoms.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.221) I feel that these results show that more research is needed in order to find a way to adequately teach women the symptoms of MI and which symptoms would require them to quickly contact 911. While I do not think the conclusions are generalized beyond the sample, I agree with the researchers when they state that it is important for everyone to know that â€Å"MI symptoms are ambiguous, and that even when people are unsure about their MI symptoms they should always call 911.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.222) The researchers state in their study that there were â€Å"several potential limitations† that could have impacted their results: (a) participants were recruited from the community and might not have carefully read the informational pamphlets, â€Å"potentially reducing the amount of information learned†, (b) the words ‘heart attack’ were not included in â€Å"the content of the factual group pamphlets,† which might have led the women in that group to not associate the â€Å"symptom information with MI symptoms,† (c) â€Å"the pretest and posttest were identical and separated only by the time taken to read the intervention pamphlet† which as a result â€Å"might not reflect symptoms that the women later remember and identify as potential MI symptoms,† (d) â€Å"many women did not include all of the MI symptoms that they wrote on the pretest, decreasing the score that they received for identifying MI symptoms,† (e) â€Å"the MI symptom score did not reflect if the same symptom was included on the pretest and posttest, or if commonly occurring but less frequently recognized MI symptoms were learned,† and (f) â€Å"the 911 scale proved to be an inadequate measure of response to MI symptoms.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.222) According to LoBiondo-Wood Haber (2010) â€Å"a research study using a true experimental design is commonly called a randomized control trial (RCT)† (p.179). LoBiondo-Wood Haber also state that â€Å"an individual RCT generates Level II evidence because of the minimal bias introduced by this design through use of randomization, control, and manipulation† (p.179). Since this study used a â€Å"pretest posttest full factorial experimental design† and â€Å"the participating women were randomly assigned, using a web-based random number generator, to one of the four experimental conditions,† I would classify this study as an RCT generating Level II evidence. (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.218) According to the evidence-based practice guideline that I chose, â€Å"instead of chest pain, acute dyspnoea may be the primary symptom† and â€Å"the diagnosis should be made without delay since early therapy improves the prognosis decisively.† (Finnish Medical Society Duodecim, 2008) I feel that the results of this study support the guideline because it is important for women to be able to recognize the symptoms of MI early on and â€Å"be aware of their risk for an MI so that they can secure immediate emergency medical care when symptoms of an MI occur.† (McDonald, et al., 2006, p.216) References Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. (2008). Myocardial infarction. Retrieved from the National Guideline Clearinghouse website. LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. (2010). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence- based practice, 7th Ed. St. Louis: Mosby. McDonald, D. D., Goncalves, P. H., Almario, V. E., Krajewski, A. L., Cervera,

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Life of Pi :: essays research papers

Life of Pi Pi Patel is on a ship to a whole new world. He’s leaving his whole world behind except the zoo, it‘s on board with him. When awoken by a sound, Pi goes to explore. He finds that the ship is sinking and before he can wake his family he is thrown into a lifeboat. A zebra falls into the lifeboat, breaking its leg. Without truly realizing what he is doing, Pi helps Richard Parker onto the lifeboat. Then he realizes, he is on a lifeboat with a 450 pound Bengal tiger. Pi builds a raft out of oars and life jackets so that he can stay a safe distance from the lifeboat. The lifeboat doesn’t seem to have the tiger on it at all. Just a zebra and a hyena and orangutan. The hyena attacks both zebra and orangutan and then the tiger appears. He is sleek and quiet about his approach. None the less, Pi Patel is now alone on a lifeboat with Richard Parker. He wonders how he will survive with a tiger. Pi decides that it would be best to keep the tiger alive, to act as the alpha. He trains Richard Parker to understand which space belongs to who. Pi uses a solar power water filter for fresh water and fishes for food. He feeds himself and the tiger. This keeps them at more of a alpha relationship because Richard Parker knows where his food and water come from. When there is no fish to caught and no more supplies, the only option is to starve for that day. Finally, Pi and Richard Parker land on an island. It is a very mysterious place. The trees seem to grow straight out of the algae and the meerkats do no seem to be afraid of anything. There are fresh water ponds and for some reason Richard Parker always returns to the lifeboat at night to sleep. Pi finds out the algae is acidic and that’s why Richard Parker sleeps in the boat at night.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Visual Basic for Applications and Staff Members

EX. NO:1 CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT: This project deals with the conference management system . As a students or staff members are required to view the details of conference is going to conduct in various colleges or institutions and to attend the conference to gain knowledge from the conferences . Administrator will add the details about the various conferences available to attend for various department students and staff members. User will enter into the system by giving the username and password and selection form will be displayed for the user from that department should be selected and depending up on the department the conference management system will show the details of the conferences in various place using Ms Access and Visual basic 6. 0. 2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION: 1. Login Form: Authenticate the user and administrator. 2. Department Selection Form: This form will give the options for selecting the department to get knowledge about the conference. 3. Conference view Form: This form contains the details about the conferences is conducting by various institutions and we can see the date and time for the conference. 4. Database Form: The details about the conferences going to conduct by various institutions. Administrator can add the details about the conference for the students and also for the staff members. 2. SOFTWARE REQURIEMENTS: 1. Microsoft Visual Basic 6. 0 2. Rational Rose 3. Microsoft Access. 2. 2 HARDWARE REQURIMENTS: 1. 128MB RAM 2. Pentium III Processor 3. STRUCTURE OF DATABASE: Create a table â€Å"conf† using Microsoft access with the following attributes: S. NOFIELDTYPESIZE 1. dname varchar 20 2. conferdet varchar 40 3. collname varchar 20 4. date Text 10 5. time Text 05

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Problem gambling Essay

She took one last look out the window as they drove away, the tears streaming down her face. At the age of four, her world had fallen apart. Karina’s life started out as a perfect middle-class family, and soon turned into a broken mess. They had everything, a perfect house in a really nice part of the city, a nice car; everything was wonderful. As Karina got older, she began to notice things weren’t perfect. Her dad was never there. He was always out gambling in one way or another. â€Å"As time progressed we lost the car, and other possessions due to my dad’s gambling problem. It’s not only about gambling and the money. When people gamble, they do other stupid things, he had an affair. My parents decided to get a divorce. My dad didn’t argue, in fact he said that for the safety of our family it would probably be better because a lot of people were angry at him for what he owed them. It was all because of gambling and snowballed into a mess that could have been really dangerous for my mom and me had we stayed around. I’m sad that my life played out in that way at such a young age, and it’s very unfortunate. I know that if he wouldn’t have had gambling around none of those things would have taken place and we would probably still be the family that we were, but unfortunately that’s not how it played out. † Although many people think that legalizing gambling will have a great effect on the economy, I think the negative effects are much more evident. People’s views on subjects often have to do with their ethics. Ethics, as defined by Seiler and Beall, are an individual’s system of moral principles. My ethics lead me to believe that gambling is wrong because I was raised to believe that my family is more important than economic wealth. As it is evident in the story above, gambling can have a major negative effect on someone’s life, and so it is too much of a risk to legalize this dangerous game. Three main reasons that gambling should be kept illegal are that gambling creates tension among the family members, gambling increases crime in the society, and the addiction to gambling is too great for many to overcome. The first reason that gambling should be kept illegal is that gambling creates tension among the family members as the money that should be used for the family is being spent on gambling. Even though gambling might, in some cases, bring money into the state and local economies, there are side effects to having a casino down the street. Forshey (1998) states, â€Å"The gambling jobs, taxes, and recreational values provided by the industry cannot compensate for the social pain-in the form of bankruptcies, white-collar crime, divorce, a compromised political process, an increase in alcoholism-it inflicts. † The drain of a working person’s money that wager’s his or her paycheck and loses is not compensated with the amount of jobs a casino brings to a community. Gambling is a greedy industry that produces nothing more than empty hopes, empty dreams and empty wallets. Anderson states, â€Å"Proponents argue that state lotteries are an effective way to raise taxes painlessly. But the evidence shows that legalized gambling often hurts those who are poor and disadvantaged. † Without casino gambling, many local citizens would spend their money on groceries or clothes, instead of reducing their savings on gambling. As William Thompson states in his article â€Å"Gambling: A Controlling Substance,† It [gambling] is a pleasure, like other entertainment, but in that regard, it is an expensive pleasure. † Thompson then continues with this thought: â€Å"Politicians must recognize that the benefits of gambling are bounded by market structures. Gambling money does not grow on trees. It comes out of the pockets or real people, who otherwise would have spent it on something else. † All of this evidence shoes that gambling should be kept illegal because it creates tension among the family members as the money that should be used for the family is being spent on gambling. A second reason that gambling should be kept illegal is that gambling increases the amount of crime within a society. Gambling often becomes associated with crime, a relationship that seems quite understandable. Not only does gambling continue to be illegal in some forms which makes it a crime to participate in, but also the second half of the issue occurs when gambling increases the amount of street crime in a surrounding area. Crime rates have been significantly higher in places that allow gambling. Kindt states, â€Å"Atlantic City showed a jump in crime when gambling was legalized. The city went from 50th in the nation in per capita crime to first. Problem gamblers may also become more likely to have financial troubles and use illegal activities as a way to pay off their debts and keep up their unhealthy habit. † This graphic shows a report done by the U. S. Department of Justice studied people that were arrested in Las Vegas and Des Moines, Iowa. The results show many connections between gambling and crime. â€Å"More than 30 percent of pathological gamblers who had been arrested in Las Vegas and Des Moines reported having committed a robbery within the past year, nearly double the percentage for low-risk gamblers. Nearly one-third admitted that they had committed the robbery to pay for gambling or to pay gambling debts. In addition, about 13 perfect said they had assaulted someone to get money. † As is evident, gambling should be kept illegal because it increases the amount of crime within a society. We will now look at the last reason why gambling should be kept illegal. Finally, a third reason that gambling should be kept illegal is that the addiction to gambling is too great for many to overcome, resulting in psychological problems for the gambler. Some people argue that if a person wants to gamble badly enough they will do it. They say that one will be able to control his or herself and only gamble when it’s appropriate, but gambling is an addiction that some people can’t escape. The addiction is a nationwide problem, and as much a part of gambling as the dice. As an article in the Omaha World Herald states, â€Å"Problem gambling is the urge to gamble despite harmful negative consequence or the desire to stop, and pathological gambling involves wagering to such excess that it has a severe negative effect on the gambler’s life. † Getting hooked on gambling comes mainly from the action and thrill, an experience chemically the same as those with inhaled substances. They fall under the spell of action. Action is an aroused, joyous state involving excitement, tension, and anticipation of the outcome of a gambling event. It is the thrill of living on the edge. Gambling has little to do with money and everything to do with the feelings of a gambler. William Thompson states, â€Å"People will lie to themselves, also in calculating the money because they don’t want to tell themselves that they were foolish about gambling. † Problem gamblers describe gambling as â€Å"highs† similar to that experienced from many drug substances. Some experience these sensations when just thinking about gambling. How is a person supposed to avoid gambling if he or she is constantly being surrounded with opportunities to place bets and be involved in the â€Å"action†? As Frey suggests casinos increase the number of problem gamblers, and make it that much more difficult to stop for those already addicted. In order to stop the number of pathological gamblers from increasing, the amount of gambling in the United States must decrease as a whole. Pathological gamblers were twice as likely to describe their general health as fair to poor over the past two years and were more likely to acknowledge mental or emotional problems. Rates of alcohol and drug dependence, job loss, and bankruptcy were also significantly higher for pathological gamblers relative to non-gamblers. According to Weinstock and Meyers, â€Å" Almost 20 percent of the people diagnosed as pathological gamblers file for bankruptcy compared to the less than 5 percent of those in the general population. † Percentage of Population with Gambling Problems In order to stop the number of pathological gamblers from increasing, the amount of gambling in the United States must decrease as a whole. As is evident in this bar graph the amount of people with gambling disorders has greatly increased. According to Weinstock and Meyers, â€Å"Recent studies have found that approximately 2 percent of Americans have had severe levels of disordered gambling at some point in their lifetime. Alarmingly, the rate in the Mid-South is even higher. Studies with Mississippi and Louisiana reveal that about 5 percent of the residents in Mississippi have a gambling problem, while in New Orleans, Louisiana 8 percent of the population reported significant problems because of their gambling. † Gambling should be kept illegal because the addiction to gambling is too great for many, even adolescents to overcome. According to Welte, Barnes, Tidwell, and Hoffman, â€Å"Over 2% of U. S. adolescents have experienced problem gambling (i. e. , sub-clinical pathological gambling) in the past year. Females have a . 1% problem gambling rate, and males a 4. 2% problem gambling rate within the past year. † If we don’t put a stop to this now the future of pathological gambling will continue. Regrettably, these pathological gamblers will most likely have to deal with many adverse life events because of their addiction. Many problem gamblers are under so much stress, they commit domestic violence or suicide. There are other, less dangerous ways to find entertainment. So many people suffer every day from their addiction to gambling. The United States should put a stop by banning the gambling industry, and therefore eliminating the harmful side effects of legalized gambling. All of this evidence shows that gambling should be kept illegal because the addiction to gambling is far too great for some people to overcome, resulting in psychological problems for the gambler. The negative effects of gambling out-weigh the positive. The tension created among family members, increased crime in society, and the addiction resulting in psychological problems are just too great of a risk for the people of our society to undergo. So the next time you walk into a casino, remember Karina’s story and how the gambling may affect your life, because even if you’re willing to take the chance, odds are the negative effects of gambling will leave you unlucky in life. It is important for all of you to take note of the consequences and refrain from gambling. Staying away from the dangers of gambling, and setting an example to others is extremely important. No matter what type of personality you have, you can be an influence to others and help stop the spread of gambling all over the nation. I want to challenge you that if you know someone that gambles or you yourself gamble share what you know about gambling and try to put a stop to the habit! References: * Anderson, K. Gambling. Gambling Probe Ministries.Retrieved October 31, 2001 from http://www. probe. org/site/c. fdKEIMNsEoG/b. 4219137/k. C8BD/Gambling. htm * Brandt, K. (Personal communication, October 21, 2011) * Forshey, G. E. (1998). Lonely crusade: Fighting the Gambling Industry. The Christian Century. Retrieved October 31, 2011 from http://vnweb. hwwilsonweb. com/hww/results/getResults. jhtml? _DARGS=/hww/results/results_common. jhtml. 35 * Kindt, J. (1994). The Economic Impacts of Legalized Gambling Activities. Drake Law Review, 40 (1), 50-87. Retrieved October 26, 2011 from https://www.ideals. illinois. edu/handle/2142/16297 * Meyers, A. Whelan, J. Weinstock. (June 1998). Gambling: When it is not a Game Anymore. Business Perspectives, 16-22. Retrieved October 27, 2011 from http://www. allbusiness. com/specialty-businesses/291076-1. html * Problem Gambling: Be aware of warning signs. Omaha World Herald. (March, 19, 2010). Retrieved October 23, 2011 from Library. * Seiler, W. J. and Beall, M. L. (2009). Communication and Ethical Behavior. In Communication: Making Connections (8th Ed) (pp. 8-9). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Allyn.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Business Writing

Building Your Personal Brand Creating a strong personal brand is critical to the long-term success of any mortgage originator. Top producers know that personal branding begins with the realization that loans are not the centerpiece of what you sell. Rather, it is your knowledge, advice and personal service that deliver the most value to clients by creating an excellent lending experience. Staying focused and committed to these value drivers guarantees that you will build long-term equity in your personal brand. What are the actions that create an excellent lending experience? Ask the client about his or her overall financial picture, and patiently answer every question. Stay calm and solutions-oriented in the face of problems, solve them quickly, and keep the client informed every step of the way. Be prompt, follow through on your promises, and show the client that you sincerely care about them. The most successful originators generate an enormous percentage of their volume from clients who give them repeat business and new customer referrals. Managing your personal brand so that every client receives a high value experience is the secret to ensuring a steady expansion of your market share and income. Building Creditability A successful mortgage lending career can become a sustainable, long-term annuity if you have the foresight to â€Å"brand† your name and reputation in such a way that you are instantly recognizable in your market area. Easier said than done? Not if you discipline yourself to bypass the immediate gratification of quick but poorly-handled deals and resolve to be in this business for the long haul. You’ll begin the journey when you realize the fundamental truth that you are not selling loans. What you â€Å"sell† is your knowledge, experience, guidance and advice about successfully financing real estate. People choose to take advantage of your expertise in the field when they believe you’re honest, ski... Free Essays on Business Writing Free Essays on Business Writing Building Your Personal Brand Creating a strong personal brand is critical to the long-term success of any mortgage originator. Top producers know that personal branding begins with the realization that loans are not the centerpiece of what you sell. Rather, it is your knowledge, advice and personal service that deliver the most value to clients by creating an excellent lending experience. Staying focused and committed to these value drivers guarantees that you will build long-term equity in your personal brand. What are the actions that create an excellent lending experience? Ask the client about his or her overall financial picture, and patiently answer every question. Stay calm and solutions-oriented in the face of problems, solve them quickly, and keep the client informed every step of the way. Be prompt, follow through on your promises, and show the client that you sincerely care about them. The most successful originators generate an enormous percentage of their volume from clients who give them repeat business and new customer referrals. Managing your personal brand so that every client receives a high value experience is the secret to ensuring a steady expansion of your market share and income. Building Creditability A successful mortgage lending career can become a sustainable, long-term annuity if you have the foresight to â€Å"brand† your name and reputation in such a way that you are instantly recognizable in your market area. Easier said than done? Not if you discipline yourself to bypass the immediate gratification of quick but poorly-handled deals and resolve to be in this business for the long haul. You’ll begin the journey when you realize the fundamental truth that you are not selling loans. What you â€Å"sell† is your knowledge, experience, guidance and advice about successfully financing real estate. People choose to take advantage of your expertise in the field when they believe you’re honest, ski...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ambiguous Words essays

Ambiguous Words essays Essay Question: Southerners maintained that secession was the ultimate expression of democracy, while Lincoln claimed it was rejection of democracy. How did they explain and justify their principles. On December 20, 1860, the Confederacy was born when South Carolina seceded from the federal Union. The Union and the Confederacy severely clashed in their views on the Constitution; the South felt that individual states should have the right to nullify laws, while Abraham Lincoln believed the federal government should appoint representatives for individual states. The South and Abraham Lincoln contrasted sharply on the idea of secession because the Constitution was ambiguous regarding Immediately following the election of Lincoln, the southern secessionists wanted to separate from the Union. Southerners feared that the Republican victory in 1860 would interfere in their domestic concernsparticularly their right to property and slaves as guaranteed by the fifth amendment of the Bill of Rights (Jones 24). As a result, the state of South Carolina held a convention and voted to secede from the Union. Following South Carolinas lead, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas also seceded. Their growing minority status had left them vulnerable to northern oppression; their right to withdraw from the governing pact remained a fundamental precept of the Declaration of Independence (24). Representatives from each state convened on February 1860, to create the Confederate States of America. Although this document was roughly based on the Constitution, it assigned limits on the governments power to impose tariffs and restrictions on slavery. The southerners felt that they needed to create a new constitution because the preamble to the Constitution . . . does not propose to make the old Union more perfect, but to for...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Dialectic in Rhetoric

Definition and Examples of Dialectic in Rhetoric In rhetoric and logic, dialectic is the practice of arriving at a conclusion by the exchange of logical arguments, usually in the form of questions and answers. Adjective: dialectic or dialectical. In classical rhetoric, notes James Herrick, Sophists employed the method of  dialectic  in their teaching, or inventing arguments for and against a proposition. This approach taught students to argue either side of a case (The History and Theory of Rhetoric, 2001). One of the most famous sentences in Aristotles Rhetoric is the first one: Rhetoric is a counterpart (antistrophos) of dialectic.Etymology: From the Greek, speech, conversation Pronunciation: die-eh-LEK-tik Examples and Observations Zeno the Stoic suggests that while dialectic is a closed fist, rhetoric is an open hand (Cicero, De Oratore 113). Dialectic is a thing of closed logic, of minor and major premises leading inexorably toward irrefutable conclusions. Rhetoric is a signal toward decisions in the spaces left open before and after logic.(Ruth CA Higgins, The Empty Eloquence of Fools: Rhetoric in Classical Greece. Rediscovering Rhetoric, ed. by J.T. Gleeson and Ruth CA Higgins. Federation Press, 2008)In the simplest form of Socratic dialectic, the questioner and respondent begin with a proposition or a stock question, such as What is courage? Then, through the process of dialectical interrogation, the questioner attempts to lead the respondent into contradiction. The Greek term for the contradiction that generally signals the end of a round of dialectic is aporia.(Janet M. Atwell, Rhetoric Reclaimed: Aristotle and the Liberal Arts Tradition. Cornell University  Press, 1998)Aristotle on Dialectic and Rheto ric- Aristotle took a different view of the relationship between rhetoric and dialectic from what Plato had taken. Both, for Aristotle, are universal verbal arts, not limited to any specific subject matter, by which one could generate discourse and demonstrations on any question that might arise. The demonstrations, or arguments, of dialectic, differ from those of rhetoric in that dialectic derives its arguments from premises (protaseis) founded on universal opinion and rhetoric from particular opinions.(Thomas M. Conley, Rhetoric in the European Tradition. Longman, 1990)- Dialectical method necessarily presupposes a conversation between two parties. An important consequence of this is that a dialectical process leaves room for discovery, or invention, in a way that apodeictic normally cannot, for the cooperative or antagonistic encounter tends to yield results unanticipated by either party to the discussion. Aristotle opposes  syllogistic to inductive argumentation  separately for dialectic and apodeictic, further specifying enthymeme and paradigm.(Hayden W. Ausland, Socratic Induction in Plato and Aristotle. The Development of Dialectic from Plato to Aristotle, ed. by Jakob Leth Fink. Cambridge University Press, 2012) Dialectic From Medieval to Modern Times- In medieval times, dialectic had achieved a new importance at the expense of rhetoric, which was reduced to a doctrine of elocutio and actio (delivery) after the study of inventio and dispositio had been moved from rhetoric to dialectic. With [Petrus] Ramus this development culminated in a strict separation between dialectic and rhetoric, rhetoric being devoted exclusively to style, and dialectic being incorporated in logic . . .. The division (which is still very much alive in present-day argumentation theory) then resulted in two separate and mutually isolated paradigms, each conforming to different conceptions of argumentation, which were considered incompatible. Within the humanities, rhetoric has become a field for scholars of communication, language, and literature while dialectic, which was incorporated in logic and the sciences, almost disappeared from sight with the further formalization of logic in the nineteenth century.(Frans H. va n Eemeren, Strategic Maneuvering in Argumentative Discourse: Extending the Pragma-Dialectical Theory of Argumentation. John Benjamins, 2010)- During the long interlude which started with the Scientific Revolution, dialectic virtually disappeared as a full-fledged discipline and was replaced by the search for a reliable scientific method and increasingly formalized logical systems. The art of debate did not give rise to any theoretical development, and references to Aristotles Topics quickly vanished from the intellectual scene. As to the art of persuasion, it was treated under the heading of rhetoric, which was devoted to the art of style and figures of speech. More recently, however, Aristotles dialectic, in close interaction with rhetoric, has inspired some important developments within the fields of argumentation theory and epistemology.(Marta Spranzi, The Art of Dialectic Between Dialogue and Rhetoric: The Aristotelian Tradition. John Benjamins, 2011) Hegelian DialecticThe word dialectic, as elaborated in the philosophy of Hegel [1770-1831], causes endless problems for people who are not German, and even for some who are. In a way, it is both a philosophical concept and a literary style. Derived from the ancient Greek term for the art of debate, it indicates an argument that maneuvers between contradictory points. It mediates, to use a favorite Frankfurt School word. And it gravitates toward doubt, demonstrating the power of negative thinking, as Herbert Marcuse once put it. Such twists and turns come naturally in the German language, whose sentences are themselves plotted in swerves, releasing their full meaning only with the final clinching action of the verb.(Alex Ross, The Naysayers. The New Yorker, September 15, 2014)Contemporary Theories of Rhetoric and Dialectic[Richard] Weaver (1970, 1985) believes that what he considers as the limitations of dialectic can be overcome (and its advantages maintained) through the use of rhet oric as a complement to dialectic. He defines rhetoric as truth plus its artful presentation, which means that it takes a dialectically secured position and shows its relationship to the world of prudential conduct (Foss, Foss, Trapp, 1985, p. 56). In his view, rhetoric supplements the knowledge gained through dialectic with a consideration of the character and situation of the audience. A sound rhetoric presupposes dialectic, bringing action to understanding. [Ernesto] Grassi (1980) aims to return to the definition of rhetoric espoused by the Italian Humanists to give rhetoric a new relevance for contemporary times, making use of the concept of ingenium- recognizing similarities- to grasp our ability to distinguish relationships and make connections. Returning to the ancient valuing of rhetoric as an art fundamental to human existence, Grassi identifies rhetoric with the power of language and human speech to generate a basis for human thought. For Grassi, the scope of rhetoric is much broader than argumentative discourse. It is the basic process by which we know the world.(Frans H. van Eemeren, Strategic Maneuvering in Argumentative Discourse: Extending the Pragma-Dialectical Theory of Argumentation. John Benjamins, 2010)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Women's roles in society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women's roles in society - Research Paper Example The development of feminist’s movements and the increased awareness about the capabilities of women forced male communities to accept the identity of women in a more liberal manner. In liberal societies, today’s women enjoy the same freedom as that of men; they can work in any professions they like and engage in any activities they like. For example, Canada is the fourth country in the world to legalize gay and lesbian marriage (Dube). In other words, Canada has not shown any discrimination while legalizing same sex marriage; along gay marriage, lesbian marriage was also legalized in Canada. At the same time, it should be noted that in countries like Saudi Arabia, women are not even allowed to drive their vehicles. BBC (17 June 2011) has reported that a women was arrested in Saudi Arabia in May 2011, for uploading a video of herself driving a vehicle. â€Å"Manal al-Sherif was accused of "besmirching the kingdom's reputation abroad and stirring up public opinion", but was released after 10 days having promised not to drive again† (Saudi Arabia women drive cars in protest at ban). From the above two incidents it is evident that the roles of women in liberal societies are changing rapidly whereas in traditional societies, it remains the same. Thompson (2010) has mentioned that â€Å"jobs for women were largely limited to work as household servants during ancient times† (Thompson). Dr. Benson et al, (2010) have pointed out that â€Å"women in some cultures have been denied access to education or there may be no education system due to circumstances in their country† (Dr. Benson et al, p.359). Lack of education or denial of educational opportunities forced women in totalitarian countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan etc to limit their activities within the boundaries of their house. The over influence of religion over social life is the major reason for the underdevelopment of women life in these countries. It should be noted th at even in communist China, the role of women has been changed drastically over the last few decades. Africa is a region which is famous for totalitarian or autocratic administrations. Even the African women enjoy much more freedom than the women in fundamental Muslim societies. The leadership roles women have played in the development of various African societies cannot be underestimated. The contributions of women towards the social, economic, political and educational developments of African societies cannot also be gainsaid. In fact, traditional African society attached no importance to gender issues because every individual had a role to play both in the family as well as in the larger society (Afisi, p.230) It is evident from the above discussions that the major obstacle which prevents women from development is not politics, but religion or religious beliefs. Western countries are more aware of the changing roles of women in society and they are ready to make necessary changes in their social life. As stated earlier, women in western countries can engage in all activities in which their male counterparts engaged in. For example, it should be noted that many biggest organizations like Pepsi are currently run by women CEO’s. Such things were unimaginable around thirty or forty years before. The capabilities of women in handling pressure and undertaking risky jobs are well accepted by the western societies. However, the conditions of the women in third world are not like that in the western world. In third world, women are still considered as second class citizens. â€Å"They are denied even some of the fundamental rights and privileges which are so essential for the preservation of human dignity†

Friday, October 18, 2019

MASTER AND COMMANDER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MASTER AND COMMANDER - Essay Example Stephen Maturin and their first adventures. At the same time, there is a historical element to the novel since the backdrop of the story is the war between England and France known as the Napoleonic wars which took place sometime after the French revolution1. In this context, the novel brings together the culture and the history of the times when it starts by placing the action in Port Mahon in 1800. Of course the world was a very different place then and the culture of the time is easily observed in the opening where the first meeting between Aubrey and Maturin is certainly less than ideal. At a Royal Navy base in Port Mahon, Minorca, Jack Aubrey is nudged by Maturin at the governor’s ball during a musical performance. They quibble with each other, but before it can get really serious, Jack is informed that he is about to be given the command of his own ship and he seeks out Maturin to join him on his voyage2. The historical background here is plainly obvious since the cultural elements of challenging someone to a duel and imagined slights at being nudged could certainly not take place in this day and age. At the same time the quick about turn shown by Jack also has its basis in historical fact as it was often difficult to recruit individuals for the hard life of the navy. In fact, Jack has to convince the doctor/scientist/philosopher that the Mediterranean is an excellent place to do research and study3. Of course the place where he conducts this research and study is the HMS Sophie of which the master and commander is Jack Aubrey. The ship’s physician also acts as a reference point for the reader since other characters in the novel explain things to him as the voyage progresses. This explanation of naval matters is also useful for the readers since they also gain awareness about the ship and the manner in which the navy conducts its business4. In the historical context, sailing in the 1800s was quite a different matter as

Reflection paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection paper - Article Example In its pure form, which the author is quick to point out has not yet been discovered 'in nature', this form of authority rests on the individual's fitness to fulfill the legal obligations of the office he or she holds. This fitness is based on the person's specific training and demonstration of competence to carry out the duties of that office. Obedience is owed to that office and the legal elements it governs, but does not extend outside of this sphere in any way. The office itself is not a personal space for the individual filling it but is rather a space reserved for the carrying out of the legal duties of the position the person fills. Both in seeking redress and in issuing commands, the order of the established hierarchy is followed and each office within the hierarchy is filled with other individuals equally tested and deemed fit to fulfill the duties of that particular office. In theory, a hierarchy established on this pure form would run like clockwork, each individual acting within the boundaries of his or her office to which he or she is perfectly suited and trained and governed by clear laws of operation. Only the business of the office is conducted with little or no personal overlap of outside interests. To ensure all runs smoothly, there are set salaries for each of the positions within the hierarchy and all compensation is fulfilled in terms of money rather than 'in-kind' benefices. This is because benefices are difficult to quantify and often carry with them external, additional obligations. This type of authority, in an imperfect form, is found throughout the world almost every time you turn around. The republic of the United States is formed on such a system in which the President is elected to his office and appoints a number of supposedly qualified individuals to fill specific offices within his administration, each of which has their own set of obligations and responsibilities, their own hierarchical structure below them, and their own set o f laws to follow regarding how they conduct business. This is only an imperfect example, though, because it is not necessarily true that the electorate will vote for the most qualified candidate for President or that the elected President will place the most qualified candidates within the individual offices within his administration. Compensation for offices are frequently a mixture of salaries based on money and benefices consisting of favors, gifts, or other positive outcomes for the recipient. While behavior is ruled by law, there is often a great deal of politics occurring within this hierarchy, providing means by which laws are bent, broken, amended or over-ruled based upon a different system of obligation. Many of these same issues are also present in smaller organizations in which this form of authority is in place. These include corporations of all types as well as non-profit, philanthropic endeavors. Of course, in these smaller organizations, the rules can be bent to a gre ater or lesser degree simply because they are company policies rather than actual laws. In addition, the appointment of individuals to different offices can be based on things such as personal relationships or favors owed rather than actual fitness and training specific to the tasks of the office. In almost all systems of this sort, there is some reliance

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evaluating the Law of Theft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluating the Law of Theft - Essay Example The resulting act was an effort of a committee of parliament, Criminal Law Revision Committee, which was tasked to reform the English law of theft. To ensure that the law captures all those separate laws, substantial definitions were on all circumstances of stealing. The law further makes provisions for criminal proceedings available to one party in a marriage relationship against the partner. The law also makes some amendments to the Post Office Act 1953, besides other enactments and to serve other purposes connected to it. This is about the entire law, but in this analysis we are limited to section 1 only for the purposes of this study (Ramage, S, 2005). In section 1, subsection1 of the Act, a basic definition of the term theft is offered, by which the sections seek to set out what entails the offence of theft. A person will be said to be guilty of the offence if he dishonestly appropriates himself or herself, property belonging to another person, with a clear intention to deprive permanently the other of it. For purposes of legal interpretation, theft and stealing shall be construed accordingly to mean the same thing. Where, stealing can take the place of theft and theft can be said to be stealing. In order to be said that theft has occurred, the thief, according to subsection 2, will appropriate himself with a view to gain or otherwise for his own benefit. The owner of the property then, shall in this case, suffer the loss of enjoying the benefits of the property in which the thief has appropriated himself. The supplementary definitions of terms arising from the definition of theft have been substantially dealt with thereafter from section 2 to 6 (Hooper & Ormerod, 2011). There have been some changes to the act over the years, the latest being as late as 2006. The changes are carried in two major changes (repeals); the Theft Act 1978 and the Fraud Act 2006. The repealing acts does not replace the entire Theft Act 1968, but rather to define further sections which were found to be not sufficient in dealing with more offences that were committed, but the act did not sufficiently cover. The sections include 15, 16 and 18 of the Theft Act 1968 (UK). Section 16 deals with obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception in monetary terms. According to the section pecuniary advantage would result in one becoming richer that he was before the act of deception. It also includes situations where one should have paid for a good or service, in the process one does not gain more money but rather one remains with the money he should have paid. The law faced some challenges in the case of DPP v Ray (1974) AC 370 House of Lords where Ray had gone to a restaurant and ordered a meal with an intention to pay, but left after eating when the waiter left the room. Ray was originally not found guilty by a lower court, but the House of Lords overturned the ruling by allowing the case to go to fresh trial. He was convicted subsequently. The House of Lords held that Ray had a pecuniary advantage since he had not paid. He had deceived by representing himself originally as an honest customer (The Government of the United Kingdom). The danger with this section was that people would represent themselves as honest but decide to be deceptive in the process. The law would let them free if they proof that they did not intend to do so. This

Human Resource Practices within Kelloggs Term Paper

Human Resource Practices within Kelloggs - Term Paper Example This leadership style is cemented by the fact that the organization employs participative theories (Northouse, 2007, pp. 65). This means that the leader works hand in hand with the rest of the team working in Kelloggs to ensure its success. Discussions are made with participation from everyone in the company as long as the issue affects those particular people including the subordinate staff members. This theoretical involvement ensures that employees are not side lined and decisions affecting them made without their input and even consent. Evidence of using participative theory combined with democratic leadership style is indicated by the high number of managers in Kelloggs who work together to make Kelloggs as successful as it currently is, Working as a team and involving each other has created tighter bonds between them and this is evident by the way they stand together instead of blaming each other in case of any negative publicity such as scandal or lawsuits. When the employees are included in the decision making and allowed to participate in major deals in the company, they gain ownership of the organization and hence not only work for the purpose of earning their salary but they are motivated to mould the company and make it better than their competitors. Such ownership and motivation makes the employees aim to increase their productivity, reduce their turnover rate and they engage in all manner of performance enhancing activities including bettering their knowledge and education through trainings and seminars. All these has worked to make Kelloggs maintain a competitive edge in the food industry and continue expanding their products and countries of operation to over 35 countries worldwide and several hundred cities all over the world as well (Rogers, 2008, pp. 87). With participative theory being enforced, the majority of the decision is delegated to the different teams

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Evaluating the Law of Theft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluating the Law of Theft - Essay Example The resulting act was an effort of a committee of parliament, Criminal Law Revision Committee, which was tasked to reform the English law of theft. To ensure that the law captures all those separate laws, substantial definitions were on all circumstances of stealing. The law further makes provisions for criminal proceedings available to one party in a marriage relationship against the partner. The law also makes some amendments to the Post Office Act 1953, besides other enactments and to serve other purposes connected to it. This is about the entire law, but in this analysis we are limited to section 1 only for the purposes of this study (Ramage, S, 2005). In section 1, subsection1 of the Act, a basic definition of the term theft is offered, by which the sections seek to set out what entails the offence of theft. A person will be said to be guilty of the offence if he dishonestly appropriates himself or herself, property belonging to another person, with a clear intention to deprive permanently the other of it. For purposes of legal interpretation, theft and stealing shall be construed accordingly to mean the same thing. Where, stealing can take the place of theft and theft can be said to be stealing. In order to be said that theft has occurred, the thief, according to subsection 2, will appropriate himself with a view to gain or otherwise for his own benefit. The owner of the property then, shall in this case, suffer the loss of enjoying the benefits of the property in which the thief has appropriated himself. The supplementary definitions of terms arising from the definition of theft have been substantially dealt with thereafter from section 2 to 6 (Hooper & Ormerod, 2011). There have been some changes to the act over the years, the latest being as late as 2006. The changes are carried in two major changes (repeals); the Theft Act 1978 and the Fraud Act 2006. The repealing acts does not replace the entire Theft Act 1968, but rather to define further sections which were found to be not sufficient in dealing with more offences that were committed, but the act did not sufficiently cover. The sections include 15, 16 and 18 of the Theft Act 1968 (UK). Section 16 deals with obtaining pecuniary advantage by deception in monetary terms. According to the section pecuniary advantage would result in one becoming richer that he was before the act of deception. It also includes situations where one should have paid for a good or service, in the process one does not gain more money but rather one remains with the money he should have paid. The law faced some challenges in the case of DPP v Ray (1974) AC 370 House of Lords where Ray had gone to a restaurant and ordered a meal with an intention to pay, but left after eating when the waiter left the room. Ray was originally not found guilty by a lower court, but the House of Lords overturned the ruling by allowing the case to go to fresh trial. He was convicted subsequently. The House of Lords held that Ray had a pecuniary advantage since he had not paid. He had deceived by representing himself originally as an honest customer (The Government of the United Kingdom). The danger with this section was that people would represent themselves as honest but decide to be deceptive in the process. The law would let them free if they proof that they did not intend to do so. This

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organizational Behavior and its Impact on Corporate America Research Paper

Organizational Behavior and its Impact on Corporate America - Research Paper Example By adding more emphasis on interpersonal communication and communication clarity, The Home Depot serves as a benchmark for other industries in similar markets. Organizational Behavior and its Impact on Corporate America Introduction When assessing an organizational environment worthy of being declared a leader in positive organizational behavior, no example is more relevant than The Home Depot. The Home Depot ranked #29 in the Fortune 100 list of best companies due to its commitment to customer service excellence, employee participation schemes, and a variety of reward programs that foster collaboration, motivation, and commitment from its many employees and managers. In 2010, The Home Depot earned $6.6 billion in revenues (CNN Money, 2011), due to its reputation as a service leader and the ability to foster harmonious work teams dedicated to meeting the mission and vision of the organization.     These factors include the establishment of multiple reward schemes, improving inter personal communications and clarity between many different ranks of authority, setting corporate social responsibility efforts, and providing ample feedback systems to give recognition to employees who succeed and meet corporate goals. Important Elements of Organizational Behavior In order to gain employee and management commitment, it is first necessary to establish team membership, something especially true at The Home Depot whose cornerstone is employee involvement and participation. â€Å"For a team to develop, its members must want to belong to the team and come to identify with the team† (Bushe & Coetzer, 2007, p.185). When new employees enter the organization, they come into employment with their own personal need, goals, and ambitions, thus effective leadership must work diligently to bring employees and managers into the team fold by creating a new social identity. â€Å"People strongly identified with a group can even be willing to sacrifice personal needs for the betterment of the group† (Bush & Coetzer, p.186). This is the foundation of The Home Depot’s employment strategies: To ensure commitment and a transformation from pre-existing values to employees who are committed to meeting Home Depot’s mission and goal for excellence in service delivery. Group affiliation is crucial to success in profit and service delivery at Home Depot since service is the foundation of its core values of business operations. Gaining commitment related to teamworking is necessary in an environment where customers are considered the most important resource to corporate success and the business must rely on direct employee/customer interventions in order to generate higher sales volumes and satisfy customers of widely different socio-economic demographics. Building team focus is the most primary organizational behavior at The Home Depot that continues to lead to its position as a market leader in its industry. How is this accomplished in the or ganization? The first step is to ensure that there is a perception of inclusion and affiliation.  Ã‚  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Is Odysseus a Hero Essay Example for Free

Is Odysseus a Hero Essay I feel that Odysseus, like any person, can be a hero at some times and very selfish at other times. During the war in Troy, Odysseus was surely a hero, thinking smartly and protecting his men well. However, in books nine through twelve, Odysseus is definitely not playing the role of a hero among his crew. On almost any page you turn to in the book, you can find some act of selfishness coming from Odysseus. During his journey, Odysseus performs many courageous acts. At the island of the Lotus Eaters, he rescues his men from the addiction of the lotus flower. After the Cyclops captures them in his cave, Odysseus blinds the Cyclops with a sharpened log. Then Odysseus’ men sneak out of the Cyclops cave under sheepskins. Odysseus also performs a courageous act when he steers his ship around the deadly whirlpool Charybodis and valiantly tries to defend his men from Scylla, but she strikes to fast for him causing him to lose six men. When Odysseus arrives at the island of the Sun God’s cattle, he and his crew face famine. Therefore, when Odysseus falls asleep his men slaughter some of the Sun God’s cattle. Odysseuss extreme pride and arrogance seems to cause trouble for him on many occasions throughout the book. Epic heroes ought to be proud of their accomplishments but they should not brag or expect things from people because of it. Odysseuss pride and arrogance show up throughout the book. However, one occasion seems to stick out best. In book 9 of The Odyssey, Odysseus lands on an island bordering the land of Cyclops. He watches their brutish ways for days yet he still decides to pay them a visit. His men suggest taking the cheeses and animals but Odysseus refused (The Odyssey, Book 9). Odysseus fought gloriously on behalf of the Greeks in Troy and was considered a war hero of sorts because of it. However, he became to full of himself and did not give the Gods credit for helping him. That is why Poseidon punished him. He bravely endured Poseidons punishment and in the end learned that Man is nothing without the Gods. Therefore, I guess that makes him a hero, that he endured so much and learned a valuable lesson in the end.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Recruiting Nurses in Rural Communities

Recruiting Nurses in Rural Communities B. Trimble Perceptions of nurse practitioner students on clinical rotations in rural health care areas, and the likelihood of practicing in a rural area. With the current primary care provider shortages in rural areas, could the key be the use of nurse practitioners, to ultimately, fill the gap in medical services? How satisfied are patients with a nurse practitioner’s services? How do communities recruit and keep nurse practitioners? What role do rural clinical rotations play in the recruitment of nurse practitioner graduates for practice in rural areas? Rural communities have difficulty recruiting and retaining primary care providers. With the number of aging providers looking at retirement and the lack of medical school graduates interested in primary care, the need will be further increased. The national shortage of primary care providers has many communities searching for help. Meeting the current needs is difficult and the need for services is expected to increase as the rural population ages and the enactment of the patient protection and affordable care act. Advanced practice registered nurses, whom studies show can provide care that is safe and as effective as a physician, are a powerful solution to the problem of the shortage in primary care providers and rising health care costs. There are currently 189,000 nurse practitioners, 35,000 nurse anesthetist, and 18,500 certified nurse-midwives in the United States according to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2014). Nurse practitioners play a pivotal role in providing necessary medical care to the underserved of rural communities. A need for studies that examine the experiences of rural health care providers, to assess the barriers and the facilitators for nurse practitioner practice are needed. Offering mentorships, in the rural areas, may be another way to increase interest of the nurse practitioners in rural areas. As the new health care laws become effective, the need will increase. The purpose of this study is to examine how incorporating rural health rotations, in training of nurse practitioner students, may improve on the recruitment of nurse practitioner graduates into the rural healthcare sector. In rural health centers, nurse practitioners fill key leadership positions. In a study on rural health clinic efficiency and the impacts made by nurse practitioners and physician assistants, indicated that rural health centers that used nurse practitioners had a high rate for expertise in quality care and cost effectiveness (Ortiz, Wan, Meemon, Paeth, Agiro, 2010). The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of nurse practitioners to rural health clinics yield, determine the association of proficiency indicators, and understand specific and organizational factors that affect productivity. The questions posed were as follows: Does rural health clinic’s performance vary contingent on nurse practitioner staffing? To what extent do nurse practitioners influence productivity? What are characteristics of highly productive rural health clinics? (Ortiz, Wan, Meemon, Paeth, Agiro, 2010). . The study suggests that, employments of higher portions of nurse practitioners has a definite stance on productivity, and are able to handle a larger number of patients without adding professional staff. Process efficiency in clinics with a large percent of licensed staff tends to use larger numbers of nurse practitioners. Clinic size is definitely associated with industrial efficiency. The larger the clinic’s professional percentage, the higher the efficiency or production observed. The clinics able to maximize the value of nurse practitioners are the most cost effective in providing health care amenities. The conclusion of the study was that the use of nurse practitioners and physician assistants increased productivity and cost effectiveness in clinics that maximized the use of these medical professionals. There is a need for further studies to determine the contribution of nurse practitioners. Future research would involve risk adjustment factors to assess the effects of patient demographics and socioeconomic aspects. In addition, the evaluation of observational information would provide a better understanding of the nurse practitioner involvments. (Ortiz, Wan, Meemon, Paeth, Agiro, 2010). In a study conducted by Ryan and Rahman in urgent care centers, to determine what factors influence the satisfaction of care provided by nurse practitioners, it was determined that the care provided was scored positive. The scores were higher for those noted to be uninsured as compared to those with insurance. A descriptive study including four urgent care centers using two to four nurse practitioners was used for the study. Two of the four urgent care centers were excluded from the study, due to weather conditions. Patients were asked to complete a post visit review and sealed in an envelope after completion. Participant inclusion was they had to be 18 years of age, be able to read, write and comprehend English. The survey contained five questions on demographics and thirteen items where ten assessed the clarity of the nurse practitioner role. Approval was granted from Shenandoah University IRB and the four participating urgent care centers. No enhancements were offered to participants for participation in the study. Examining factors that affect patient satisfaction, with nurse practitioners in rural urgent care centers studies showed that there was a high rate of patient satisfaction regardless of age, insurance, race, or gender. The clarity of the nurse practitioner role was significantly different between participants that were uninsured as compared to those with insurance. The uninsured rated the experience higher than those with insurance. The overall scores for satisfaction with care were positive. Several of the patients were unaware they were being treated by nurse practitioners until the after treatment survey. This implies that the care was comparable to what had been provided by physicians in the past. The American healthcare system has not been able to meet the demands for accessible, low-cost medical care. Rural areas face a shortage of healthcare providers as family physicians retire and current graduate physicians decide to enter into specialties rather than general practice. Nurs e practitioners can fill the gap in medical providers. The role of the nurse practitioner is on the increase in rural areas that are underserved and are well accepted by colleagues and patients. Nurse practitioners provide competent care; this and previous studies have confirmed that patients are highly satisfied with primary care provided by nurse practitioners (Ryan, 2012). In a qualitative study by Boynton Sharp, to explore the factors related to the recruitment and retaining of nurse practitioners in rural areas, it was determined that nurse practitioners are more likely to accept a position in rural healthcare after having completed at least one clinical practicum in a rural setting (Boynton Sharp, 2010). In this study, the sample size was 29 nurse practitioners from across the United States. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews. Analysis of categories and themes determined that three of the concepts of rural nursing theory were applicable. It was anticipated that the knowledge gained would contribute to understanding nurse practitioner choices to practice in rural areas, to determine the developing rural nurse practitioner educational programs and existing federal agencies involved in recruiting and retainment nurse practitioners, in rural areas. A qualitative study using a focused ethnographic approach was used to explore the cultural construction of rural nurse practitioner roles. A conceptual model analysis from the theory of cultural marginality was developed. The marginality framework was developed to provide a basis for data collection and analysis. Data set used interviews conducted using audio/video tapes of electronic media interviews through web conferencing, except two interviews were conducted by telephone. Data analysis was through transcription of interviews; at the end of the analysis three concepts from the rural nursing theory were identified. Lack of anonymity was subdivided into respect and annoyance. Outsider versus insider status was defined, not as being an insider in the community, but as an outsider in the medical community. Permission to conduct the study was granted by the University of Texas at El Paso’s IRB. Names of participants did not appear anywhere in the report or research. This study identified the three concepts of the rural nursing theory. In the study, the nurse practitioners did not find the lack of anonymity to be an annoyance, but viewed it as a part of being an effective medical care provider. The study indicated that nurse practitioners are well accepted by the community members. However, nurse practitioners are not always accepted by the existing medical community. Self-reliance was indicated by the nurse practitioner’s ability to function alone and make independent decisions related to their clinical practice. Due to differences between urban and rural care needs, it is important that nurse practitioner students be given an appreciation for the uniqueness and benefits of rural practice including a) limited access to healthcare, b) limited resources, and c) distance to specialists. This can be accomplished through changes in didactic and clinical components of nurse practitioner educational programs. Nurse practitioners who accept positions in rural areas most often have a background in rural areas, have participated in a rural training program, or have a desire to serve in a rural community. Completion of a rural program is associated with accepting a position in a rural practice. In this study, 72% of the nurse practitioners completed at least one rural clinical practicum. This supports the importance of rural training as an effective strategy in recruitment of nurse practitioners for rural areas (Boynton Sharp, 2010). In another study published by Purdue University (Richards, 2011) stated that as practitioner students are subjected to underserved populations, they are able to better understand the complicated clinical situation, which also confronts nurse practitioners to provide valuable and professional, high quality safe and cost efficient patient care. The practitioner students rotated through the clinics; this was found to improve the staff role in clinical knowledge, strengthen the evidence of clinically relevant research, and enhance the classroom instructions and assignments. The rotations made class instruction and assignments more meaningful when the students observed the instruction being used in a clinical setting. The experience integrated previous subject matter and allowed practitioner students to develop skills in a supportive and strengthened environment. Allowing students to perform alongside nurse practitioners, help to develop mentoring and educational relationships, regard for others capability, and improves comprehension of the nurse practitioner role. The staff roles shifted from the expert to a mutually supportive learning association (Richards, 2011). The advanced practice nurse can serve to fill the gap in primary health care. Nurse practitioners can provide quality, cost effective care to these communities, offsetting the limited access and rising health care costs. Access to primary health care is essential in maintaining and improving health. Those who have regular primary health care receive more preventative services, are more likely to comply with prescribed treatments, and have lower rates of illness and preventive deaths. To ensure recruitment and retainment of nurse practitioners in these areas, it is important to increase the nurse practitioner student experience with clinical rotations in rural or underserved areas. References American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2014). NP Fact Sheet. Retrieved from Boynton Sharp, D. M. (2010). Factors related to the recruitment and retention of nurse practitioners in rural areas. (3409167), 110. Ann Arbor, Mi, United States: ProQuest, LLC. Retrieved March 29, 2014, from Ortiz, J., Wan, T., Meemon, N., Paeth, S., Agiro, A. (2010, July/August). Contextual Correlates of Rural Health Clinics Efficiency: Analysis of Nurse Practitioners Contributions. Journal for Health Care Leaders, 28(4), 237-44. Retrieved March 20, 2014, from Richards, E. (2011). The role of nursing students at two rural nurse managed health clinics. School of Nursing Faculty Publications (paper 4). Purdue University. Doi:10.1080/07370016.2011.539086 Ryan, K. D.-C. (2012, February 1). Examining Factors Influencing Patient Satisfaction With Nurse Practitioners in Rural Urgent Care Centers. Journal of American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 24(2), 77-81. Doi:10.1111/j.1745.7599.2011.00688.x

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fed and Interest Rates Essay example -- essays research papers

The Fed and Interest Rates Dave Pettit of The Wall Street Journal writes a daily column that appears inside the first page of the journal's Money & Investment section. If the headlines of Mr. Pettit's daily column are any accurate record of economic concerns and current issues in the business world, the late weeks of March and the early weeks of April in 1994 were intensely concerned with interest rates. To quote, "Industrials Edge Up 4.32 Points Amid Caution on Interest Rates," and "Industrials Track On 13.53 Points Despite Interest-Rate Concerns." Why such a concern with interest rates? A week before, in the last week of March, the Fed had pushed up the short-term rates. This being the first increase in almost five years, it caused quite a stir. When the Fed decides the economy is growing at too quick a pace, or inflation is getting out of hand, it can take actions to slow spending and decrease the money supply. This corresponding with the money equation MV = PY, by lowering both M and V, P and Y can stabilize if they are increasing too rapidly. The Fed does this by selling securities on the open market. This, in turn, reduces bank's reserves and forces the interest rate to rise so the banks can afford to make loans. People seeing these rises in rates will tend to sell their low interest assets, in order to acquire additional money, they tend move toward higher yielding accounts, also further increasing the rate. Soon this small change by the Fed affects all aspects of business, from the price level to interest rates on credit cards. Rises and falls in the interest rate can reflect many changes in an economy. When the economy is in a recession and needs a type of stimulus package, the Fed may attempt to decrease the interest rates to encourage growth and spending in the markets. This was the case from 1989 until last month, during which the nation's economy was generally considered to be in a slight to moderate recession. During this period the Fed tried to keep interest rates low to facilitate growth and spending in hard times. However, when inflation is increasing too quickly and the economy is gaining strength, the Fed will attempt to raise rates, as it did late last March. This can be considered a sign that we are pulling out of the r... ..."slight" increase as opposed to one of "somewhat greater" magnitude. This article is interesting because it shows that even the Fed can be uncertain about what is best for the economy, but it still focuses on the power of Allen Greenspan, as well as the committee as a whole. It compares the two arguments of each method, and shows a weakness in the Fed that may have been unknown to the reader before. The Wall Street Journal (Mon. April 11, 1994) - "Fed Moved Too Slow On Increasing Rates" This recent article criticizes the Fed's actions in raising the interest rate, and complains that the Fed has fallen behind in it's job. It discusses the plan for a "Neutral" policy and what the Fed has tried to do and not do to maintain this so called policy. It argues the motives and reasons for wanting a lower interest rate and compares past decades to today's standings. Overall it focuses deeply on the need to check inflation and if it is valid. It shows that the Fed tends to take a more conservative approach to the economy than some analysts would prefer, but that the Fed will probably continue to raise interest rates.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Play Critique Essay

The main idea of this play, ‘The Voice of Turtles’ was finding truth and comfort in love despite the difficulties. That sounds similar to the main idea of my 1st critique’s play, ‘Romeo & Juliet’ but compare to that, this play was lighter and softer. This play took its setting in the main character Sally Middleton’s (Kate Woodruff) apartment in New York City, in 1943, and it was displayed well through their comforts and passionate times in the apartment. There were three characters in the play: Sally Middleton, Olive Lashbrooke, Bill Page. Sally Middleton was played by an actress named Kate Woodruff, and she was the only character who was in the beginning and the end. First, she started as a girl who had a little knowledge about things in this world, but as she met Bill and spent more and more time with him, she began to realize certain things and eventually acknowledges her true love, Bill. Kate Woodruff’s acting style expressing obtuseness and vulnerability perfectly fitted with Sally. However, Bill Page, who was performed by Jim Felton, was not developed well enough to capture the audience. I understood that Bill was the character who was optimistic and learned a lot through his experiences during the WWII, but he was not sharp enough to express that â€Å"well-experienced soldier† type of a guy. I could feel that he became more lovable and passionate towards the end, but it seemed like he didn’t fully understand his character. But Olive Lashbrooke, who was played by Lisa Perez, was another well developed character. She was the only character who had a major switch in her attitude in the middle of the play because she had a suspicion about the relationship between her friend Sally and â€Å"ex-lover† Bill. However, Lisa Perez does it really well with the consistent in the character by clearly displaying arrogant and flirtatious behaviors, and that consistent also gave reliability to the audience. The plot of play expanded with the timeline of late afternoon Friday to Sunday night, and although it was a short period of time, the story was comprehensibly displayed. It started with a basic idea that Bill and Olive were seeing each other, but Olive broke up with him at Sally’s house when he comes over, so Olive left her house. Bill had no one to spend time with and Sally was available so two of them spent time together. Olive became  suspicious about the relationship between Sally and Bill, so she visits Sally tries to win Bill back but Bill denies. Bill fell in love with Sally, who was unsure about the relationship. But Bill convinced her to work together in their relationship and Sally agrees at the end. Considering that happy end, there were few situations where it displayed opposite signs that their relationship might not work. There was a scene where Olive tried to interrupt the relationship between Sally and Bill, which caused Sally to think their relationship might be bad for her friendship with Olive. Also Sally was tired of promiscuous life and did not want to involve deeply with Bill. These situations made the play more appealing, which all worked out well at the end. The setting of the play, which was Sally’s apartment, helped her character to be more understandable. As I mentioned above, in the beginning part of the play, Sally started as a girl who had a little knowledge about this world, and this apartment setting made it looked like she spends most of her time in her apartment. Also it was her apartment that created an environment to be comforter and more honest for Sally. There was an emotional change of Olive when she became suspicious about the relationship between Sally and Bill, and in the scene where she came back to win Bill back, Olive wore an awful fur clothes. In many plays and films, fur clothes are usually wore by greedy and deceptive women and that costume added more to Olive’s characteristic. It was an interesting thing to see because they were explaining her characteristic through costume rather than words. Just like Olive’s costume, all other features of the play worked together very well to support the play. For example, the light, which shined on Bill’s face when he looked out the window, was supposed to be the moonlight, and it was amazing. He could just act like he was looking out the window, but when that light shined on his face, it just made me to think that I was in the apartment. Also the warm light on the set tied the apartment together and created a cozy feeling. I felt performances of Sally and Olive were great but not Bill’s performance. Most of the time, Sally—performed by Kate Woodruff—looked comfortable and I  think she intended to do that because the setting was her apartment. Her actions, such as the way she sit on her couch, cooking in the kitchen, and even her walks all seemed like what a woman in 20’s would be at home. Also when she was listening to Sally and Bill saying what happened outside of the apartment,—which is this world—she expressed her curiosity and interests with her facial expressions such as her eyes getting bigger and blinking her eyes quickly. Those performances told us that she had a lot to experience and learn from this world. On the other hand, Olive—performed by Lisa Perez—experienced a lot outside of the apartment, and used the high-pitched voice that helped her cocky and funny character. However the performance of Bill—played by Jim Felton—was not enough to express the character and generate interests. He was trying hard but I just could not sympathize with his lines. But overall, it was a good play. The audiences’ seats were so close to the stage and I really enjoyed being close to the characters.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Intercultural Communication Essay

Intercultural communication is a study of cultural difference through communication. It is a form of global communication throughout the country all over the world. It is used to describe the wide range of communication problems that naturally appear within an organization made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds or other acceptable factors. Intercultural communication is sometimes used synonymously with cross-cultural communication which in instance also brings up the same meaning and discussing the same issues. In this sense it seeks to understand how people from different countries and cultures act towards each other’s, communicate and perceive the world around them. Many people in intercultural communication such like in business management argue that culture determines how individuals encode and preserve messages, what mediums they choose for transmitting and broadcast them, and the way messages are interpreted and understood. It all depends on the characteristics and the component on the culture itself. It is also affected by the communication skill from the group of people and how they interact with each other. Intercultural communication occur when in minimum two person with different culture come in contact with each other and exchange ideas in verbal and also nonverbal communication. Before understanding intercultural communication as whole, first we need to know what culture is. What are the definition, and how these words correlate with communication skills? Cultures have certain components and elements that build its character. These components are symbol, language, value, norm and belief. Culture define as a complex system of knowledge, beliefs, values, customs, behavior and artifacts that are acquired, used and shared by the member of the group of people in their daily lives. In identifying how the complex system work we must know the important component in culture. Symbol is anything that meaningfully presents something that recognize by a culture. An example of a symbol is just like bald eagle that represents United States of America, or Kris represents Malaysia, Elephant represents Thailand folks. Language is symbol system that used for people to communicate with each other in their country. But also certain language can be interpret by others which define whom that value and try to achieve a perfect concept of intercultural communication itself. Values are culture defined standards that people use as guideline in social interpretation, such as what to do is right and what they believe to be right in their daily practice. Norm is any establishment of rule and expectations that guides the behavior which means anything that a group of people usually do to maintain their behavior. Beliefs are special thoughts or idea that people hold on trusting that it is true and never been wrong, and beliefs also clarify religion also make a culture different from he others. Culture also has the characteristics. There are seven characteristics of the culture and the first are culture is created and learned by group of people. In this group of people culture is shared between them. Culture can be transmitted from past and to the future means that culture can be passing down to generations. Culture is something dynamic and always changing by time following concept of how the world changes. Culture prescribes behavior and attitude which means culture define and shape the behavior of the people in that group according to their prescriptions. Communication is a dynamic, systemic process in which meanings are created and reflected in human interaction with symbols. The process is ongoing and ever changing. It is contextual, always taking place in a specific location. Communication never takes place in a vacuum situation. When we do communicate with another human being, we can only infer what she or he is experiencing because no two human beings have the same experiences leading up to that specific communication event. We are all born as white cloth. It is the culture we are born into that gives meaning to our experiences and helps us to define our world or how it is going to be. The meanings we give to events shape our world and fulfill our expectation. Our brain functions as an open system and we learn from each encounter and add to our system of knowledge from past and present events. Most of our culture is transmitted through unconscious communication acts and behaviors. These ideas are received by imitating, observing, and interacting with others, and we are not even aware we are receiving these messages. We receive them first from our parents, then from siblings and others as the scope of our world broadens and as we meet more and more people each day. These events happened unconsciously and as we realized we already have it and learn it by heart. As a separate notion, it interprets situations where people from different cultural backgrounds interact to each other. Aside from language, intercultural communication focuses on social attributes, thought patterns, and the cultures of different groups of people. It also involves understanding the different cultures, languages and customs of people from other countries. Intercultural communication plays a role in social sciences such as anthropology that, cultural studies, linguistics, psychology and communication studies. Intercultural communication maybe narrow its scope into cultural anthropology that is the comparative study of the manifold ways in which people make sense of the world around them, while social anthropology is the study of the relationships among persons and groups. While cultural anthropology is more akin towards philosophy and arts, social anthropology leads towards sociology and history. Cultural anthropology itself presents intercultural definition by learning the culture in many obvious ways. As discussed before the culture is shared and through this sociocultural anthropology an example of sharing is by myth and legends. These stories have been told in narrative process by the elder people and spread towards the generation. Myth is something that is more sacred and the actors were sometimes gods or demigods that were popular in western countries. Legend is something, someone or an event that believed by the narrator and believed by the people to be true such in Malaysia, there is a tales of Mahsuri or Hang Tuah. Everybody knows that they were exist but the legends was written in the form that it is embedded by culture of Malay people and transmitting some important values that need to be understood until today whether it is accepted or no longer remembered. Linguistics in other hand is a study of human language and sometimes an ancient language and those that are no longer can be read. Linguistics additionally draws on and informs work from such diverse fields as acoustics, anthropology, biology, computer science, human anatomy, informatics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, sociology that also a branches of courses that play a very important role in intercultural communication. These all component merely remarking that all subjects need to have communication skills as the core and intercultural quality to strengthen it’s as language is the component of the intercultural communication itself, the study of linguistics ultimately helps to understand culture that embedded in language and also allow us to communicate freely within this border. Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. Psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases, and by many accounts it ultimately aims to benefit society and a group of people. In this last point the group of people specifically referring to different culture. Usually psychology component merge with social factors to narrow down the understanding and to apply the intercultural knowledge firmly. These merge area known as psychosocial factors. Psychosocial factor comprises the social being of culture and how the psychological issues affect the exchange cultural idea throughout and ideal interactive communication. Psychologist explore concepts such as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, behavior and interpersonal relationships. Some of this concept are important and needed to unlock an intercultural communication successfully. It is not about health only because the more you understand other culture social behavior with interpersonal skills and with added linguistics expertise, a complete form of intercultural communication is achieved. Intercultural communication is also referred to as the base for international businesses. There are several cross-cultural service providers around who can assist with the development of intercultural communication skills. Research is a major part of the development of intercultural communication skills such as research needed to understand all the component of the culture itself. The course to assess this communication skills have been mention earlier and the most relevant part is the intercultural competency. Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people of other cultures. With a perfect asset of component understanding and deep knowledge of all courses within behavioral science people must comprehend the intercultural competence whether appropriately valued norm, and expectations within a culture or effectively by accomplishing goals and then you will achieved cross cultural competence with a immaculate communication skills. As a conclusion, Intercultural communication is a field of study that become important as world expand. Living in the world without border actually tests your surviving skills with this valued asset. The major perspective that was developed is traditional, interpretive and critical. 20th century shows that technology imperative cause people more frequently come to contact with each other that differ. The mobility around the world has become easier and changing demographic also increases the need of cross cultural understanding. By understanding this asset, a person might gain certain beneficence such as personal empowerment, a freedom from ignorance and also a productive relationship. This three benefits of intercultural apprehension not only bring success individually but also to an industry or the country itself.